How To Get Exercise At Work

A lot of us have office based careers and desk jobs that involve us sitting down for the majority of the day. We are also spending more and more hours at work, making losing weight and staying fit even more of a challenge. I am going to show you how to stay active at your desk job, and keep those unwanted pounds at bay.

Here are some tips to get exercise at work: -

1. Walk Or Cycle To Work

Your journey to work gives you a great opportunity to start your day in a healthy way. Walk or cycle to work, or if you work too far away, park up on route and walk in. As well as losing the odd pound, you will save a few on petrol as well.

2. Get Up Often

Just because you have a desk job,it doesn't mean you have to be chained to it. Try and get up as much as you can (at least once an hour) and move about. Set an alarm to go off every hour or put a note on your monitor to remind you get up. Go and get regular drinks of water or go to the toilets. When you are in the office, always use the stairs rather than a lift.

3. Make Good Use Of Your Breaks

Lunch breaks and tea breaks are a great opportunity to get your body moving. Go for a brisk walk in your lunch break or for a quick cardio blast if your office has a gym. During your breaks take a walk around the perimeter of the building if you have time. Ten minutes walking up and down stairs can be a great workout.

4. Keep Exercise Equipment In The Office

Before you start to worry, I am not talking about you bring your treadmill into work. But you could have a couple of light dumbells in your bottom draw. Just whip them out for a few minutes when the mood takes you. Stretching regularly is also an excellent habit to adopt when you have been sitting down for long periods. It can help you to reduce tension, muscle stiffness and all that executive stress.

Getting fit and losing weight is all about developing good habits and having a positive approach and attitude. Don't use your office job as a reason why you can't lose weight or get fit. Learn how to stay active at your desk job and start to exercise at work.

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